Saturday, 19 December 2009

Mock up Music Magazine Front Cover

My mock up magazine front cover is the initial plan i have in my head for my ideal magazine. I hav tried to create a front cover which is both enticing to the reader and also fits into the Drum & Bass genre.

As the front cover eye-flow is a 'Z' shape, i have tried to put all the main things within this eye-flow to make it pleasing and stick to the codes and conventions. I have made sure that there is a masthead, kicker, selling line and a bar code so it's as realistic as possible. The button is another factor used on magazines to ighlight an article or quick information about something inside the magazine in order to draw in readers.

Friday, 18 December 2009

Music Magazine Image

This is the image i will be using for my magazine front cover. If you scroll up you ill see the various changes i have made to this picture to make it appropriate and clear for a front cover image.
Firstly i had to clone out the cigarette in his hand using the cloning tool on Photoshop. I had to do this because the magazine cannot be promoting bad things such as alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. Secondly i removed a few obvious brown moles on his face to make his skin look flawless. To add to the flawless look i did a gaussian blur over the picture and then erased it out on the detail to the t-shirt in order to decieve the eye and make it look like his skin is naturally that smooth.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Photoshoot Plan for front Cover

This is my photoshoot plan for my music magazine front cover image. It is important that i put in as much detail into this as possible so when it comes to shooting the picture i kinow exactly what the layout should be so it won't take too much time. The photoshoot plan consists of where the models' picture will be taken and the lighting. These are all important elements to consider when creating your 'perfect' image as you need to make sure that the picture is going to match the genre of your magazine and also draws in the readers. the main image is the key which makes people pick up the magazine and without an interesting picture then the target audience will not want to read the magazine as it looks like it's not their kind of thing they want to spend money on.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Music Magazine Question 1 Re-Done

I have changed my genre to Drum & Bass so now i had to re-do one of my questions from my questionnaire in order to fit with this genre. I believe that the other questions broader therefore i will not need to make a whole new questionnaire. this question asks my chosen participants who is they favourite in the Drum & Bass industry therefore i will know who to put as a main kicker on my front cover. I will also include various details on this Drum & Bass icon becuase i know that is what my audience would like.

Drum & Bass Moodboard

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Genre Change!

After thinking long and hard about my project i have decided to change my genre to Drum and Bass. I have made this decision because the Funky House genre was not well known so it was tricky trying to create the perfect picture in order to match with this genre. I also have a wider knowledge of the Drum and Bass genre compared to Funky House therefore will be able to make my magazine the best possible.