Friday, 26 February 2010

Contents mock up

My contents page mock-up is the last page left of my music magazine which i have to create. in order to make this page merge with the rest of my magazine pages, i will have to keep the colour scheme of white, navy blue, grey and black. I will make this page very similar to my DPS in that i will have the background black with the white writing.

Firstly, the word 'CONTENTS' will be written in exactly the same form as the title on my DPS. This is because it is clear to read and will keep my magazine consistent.

Secondly, the quick blurb about Nik Mimic will feature underneath the title as that is the main feature article. I will also feature a picture next to this to make the contents page look more appealing. The text for this will be in a box to make it stand out from the rest of the contents page and to emphasize that it is the most important thing.

The four pictures on the left side of the page are going to be slightly disaligned becaus ethe rest of the contents page is straight so this will make it look more exciting and inviting. The four images will coinside with my contents pages written on the right side.

The contents pages will have headings which are; GIGS n RAVES, NEWS and EXCLUSIVE. These three words seprerate the pages so whichever section the reader wants to look at they can just see the pages which go under those three headings rather than having to find the pages that interest them.

The editors note at the bottom of the page is important as all magazines have this on their contents page. This allows the reader to have a wuick blurb of what they can expect in this issue and what is planned ahead for the following issue.

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