This is my final draft to my contents page which has been edited after receiving some feedback to make slight improvements. Firstly, the box around the 'FEATURE ARTICLE' text has been made shorter at the top to make to equal around all the sides of the text. This makes a difference as it makes the contents page look a lot neater.
Another change is the writing of each page. On my first draft it was bold, unbold, bold, unbold... but i have changed it so it is all unbolded because it makes it easier on the eye as it was over-complicating the page beforehand.
The page numbers on the corners of each of the four pictures did not all match up to page and its number on the right side so I edited them so this was no longer the case. This brought the contents page together and gives the pictures more of a reason to be there rather than looking like they have no relevance to the page.
The white border around 'CONTENTS' has also been made thicker. This makes the word stand out more and have more involvement on the page. It also stands out more because the navy blue and black are very similar colours so this separates them a lot more.
Finally, the grey box around the editors note has been shortened after the picture of the editor so it now aligns with the grey rectangles around the subheadings above the picture.
All the changes above have helped improve my contents page in making it look more and more like a genuine music magazine contents page.
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